Give to Students at Eureka


Gifts to are an investment in the future of the students at Eureka College. Thousands of individuals have generously invested in the future of Eureka and the advancement of our legacy. Included here is a guide to some ways you can make your gift to Eureka College.

Checks and credit cards

Checks are the most common form of gifts. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards may also be used to make gifts to the College. If you wish to make a gift by credit card, you can make your gift online right now.

Matching gifts

If you or your spouse work for a company that matches gifts to colleges and universities, your gift to Eureka can be doubled or tripled. Many subsidiaries of parent companies also are eligible. Retired employees often qualify as well. Simply obtain a matching gift form from your personnel office, follow the instructions for initiating the match and send the completed form with your gift.




Appreciated stocks and securities

Appreciated stocks and securities make excellent gifts. When such assets have appreciated significantly the capital gain tax is avoided by gifting. The current value is the tax deductible value of the gift.

  • How is the value of the gift determined? The average of the high and low for the asset on the day it is transferred determines the value of the gift.
  • When is the gift effective? Security gifts are effective on the day a stock certificate is delivered or mailed to the College or its agent, on the day it is transferred electronically to the College’s account. Please contact the Development Office to clarify based on the manner in which you intend to transfer the asset.

Planned or deferred gifts

There are a number of vehicles available to donors who would like to make a more significant gift by using a deferred means. Details about each vehicle are available by contacting the Development Office. Such vehicles include:

  • Including Eureka College in your will (see description below)
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
  • Gift Annuities (see description below)
  • Life Insurance
  • Pooled Income Funds
  • A personal residence or family farm, retaining a lifetime interest

Including Eureka in your will

Estate gifts are the ultimate expression of commitment and dedication to Eureka. If you have already included Eureka in your will or are contemplating your estate plans please contact the Development Office or telephone 1-877-892-7823.

Gift Annuities

The charitable gift annuity has been used by many individuals who wish to make meaningful contributions to the College, and provide for their future financial well being. A gift annuity makes it possible to give to Eureka and, in exchange, you and/or someone else you designate will receive a guaranteed income for life. Eureka can arrange for annuity payments to be directly deposited to your checking or savings account. For more information on Gift Annuities contact the Development Office or telephone 1-877-892-7823.


The “gift-in-kind” donation is the contribution of goods or services that would otherwise cost the College money. The donor receives credit for the fair market value of the gift. Receiving this type of contribution allows the College to replace the cost of the service with the cash and rechannel that money. In kind gifts must be approved by the College before transfer.

Capital gifts

Endowed Funds

Some individuals choose to honor family or friends, or support College programs by establishing endowed funds. The income from these invested funds provides annual support for the designated program. An endowed fund may be created at any level. The Trustees have set $25,000 as the minimum for a named scholarship endowment. Minimums have also been established for endowed lectureships and chairs.

Endowed Scholarship Support

Some individuals choose to honor friends, loved ones, or faculty members by establishing an Endowed Scholarship. Investment returns on endowed scholarships are awarded annually in the name of the individual(s) honored. In order to maintain sufficient scholarship levels, a minimum of $25,000 is required to establish an endowed scholarship at Eureka College.

Capital Funds

At various times the College conducts special campaigns for capital gifts. These funds are used for new construction, major renovations, equipment and other capital improvements to campus. Gifts designated for capital purposes may be made at any time, even when a campaign is not in progress.

Contact us

Eureka College
Office of Advancement
300 East College Ave.
Eureka, IL 61530-1500
Telephone: 309-467-6317
Toll Free: 1-877-892-7823


Charitable Solicitation Disclosures


Giving Opportunities

If you believe that a Eureka College education made a real difference in your life, or in the life of someone you know, you can help the next generation of students through your support of the College. There are many ways to assist talented and deserving students including funding a scholarship, giving to the endowment, or providing an internship or employment after graduation.


Throughout its long history, Eureka College has enjoyed the faithful support of alumni, parents, friends, churches, corporations, and foundations. Eureka is consistently among the nation’s leaders for outside gift support to the operating budget per student enrolled. Each year an Annual Fund goal is established and a variety of solicitations are made to all constituencies to secure the resources necessary to meet that goal. Your gift to Eureka College has an immediate and meaningful impact on every aspect of campus.



Unrestricted gifts provide a pool of funds that are not restricted to specific program uses. These gifts allow the College to allocate funds wherever the need is greatest and to take advantage of unique opportunities as they arise. Unrestricted gifts are typically used to offset costs associated with such things as financial aid, teaching innovations, equipment, and facilities. Unrestricted gifts are so vital to Eureka College that they are often described as the greatest gifts donors can make.



Gifts may also be designated to a specific program, group, or priority area at Eureka College. These gifts allow the donor the satisfaction of supporting a program that has personal significance to him or her. Designated and restricted gifts may be labeled for current use or endowment, as well. Current use gifts provide funds in the short term, whereas endowment gifts are designed to provide financial security over a longer period of time.


Scholarships make a difference. For students, scholarships make the difference between attending the college or in some cases, not pursuing their educational dreams at all.

The importance of scholarships and financial aid cannot be overstated. Students rely on support – your support – to pursue a college education. The need for scholarships continues to grow.

There are two ways of establishing a scholarship at Eureka College:

  • Annual Scholarships are established by gifts that are expended in the year of the gift, and the donor is contacted for renewal.
  • Endowed Scholarships are established with gift or gifts totaling at least $25,000. The funds are invested and only the income generated is awarded.

If you wish, you may restrict eligibility for your scholarship to students who meet your selected criteria. Possible criteria might include demonstrated financial need, new student or upper-level students, or a particular course of study. However, more open criteria make scholarships easier to administer and ensure that eligible student(s) can be found each year.

Annual and endowed scholarships can be established in your name, your family’s name, your organization’s name or in honor or in memory of another individual.


At various times the College conducts special campaigns for capital gifts. These funds are used for new construction, major renovations, equipment and other capital improvements to the campus. Gifts designated for capital purposes may be made at any time, even when a campaign is not in progress.