Provided by Carle Eureka Hospital – Emergency Room (formerly Advocate Eureka Hospital)
► Monday through Sunday, 6am - 10pm. This service runs throughout the academic year and summer. All services between 10pm and 6am will be considered emergency services and will not be covered by the contract.
► Available for both residential and commuter students.
► The contract will cover all minor illnesses and injuries. CBC blood work, strep cultures, and a urinalysis are part of the basic services. All other lab tests will be billed to the student and/or their insurance. Follow-up with a physician will be the responsibility of the student.
► Starter packs of medications will be provided after pharmacies are closed for the day; these will be billed to the student by the College.
► There is a co-pay fee for each visit to Advocate Eureka Hospital under the College contract. This fee is $15 and will be billed to the student's account in the EC Business Office.
► When using the Health Services at Carle Eureka Hospital, you must show your college ID.
School Sport Physical: Must be paid by student at the time of service or the college will bill the student.
Provided by TrilliumPlace- An affiliate of CarleHealth
Seeing a professional counselor as a Eureka College student is easy and free. Counseling services are provided to both residential and commuter students. The services begins during the first week of classes in August and ends during final exams in May.
Counselors meet with students for a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, stress, family/relationship problems, alcohol and other drug issues, eating disorders, etc. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who is removed from the situation.
► TrilliumPlace will meet with students in a private location on campus. They are also available for counseling sessions through phone or video.
Sessions during the Spring 2024 semster are available on Tuesdays from 10-2pm and Thursdaus from 1-5pm.
► Call TrilliumPlace at (309) 347-5522 to set up an appointment. Be sure to identify yourself as a Eureka College student OR you can schedule an appointment online HERE.
► Upon the first appointment, the counselor will do an assessment to see how many additional appointments will be needed. Additional appointments will be provided for free under the plan up to 6 sessions, at which point additional sessions will be discussed as the need arises.
Provided by BetterMynd
Eureka College is partnered with BetterMynd, an online therapy platform, to offer students access to free teletherapy sessions from a diverse network of licensed mental health counselors.
These 50-minute live video sessions are private and confidential and can take place from the convenience of your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Teletherapy sessions are available during the day, at night, and on weekends, so you can get support whenever it's best for you.
To register and get started, sign-up here.
If you have any questions about these services, you can also email BetterMynd at
► TrilliumPlace provides 24 hours a day/7 days a week local emergency response services by calling (309) 347-1148.
► The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,, is a FREE, confidential resource that is available 24/7 at 1-800-273-talk (8255).
►For life-threaterning concerns, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department.
Condoms are available on every residential floor (typically in the bottom right locker in community restrooms, or in the kitchen or lounge area for those buildings that do not have community restrooms). Most restrooms also have information posted on local resources available for STI Testing.
Hand Santizers and Kleenex are passed out at events throughout cold & flu season.
Tampons/Panty Liners are provided in most restrooms on the academic side of campus.
There is a RESOURCE LOCKER outside of the Office of Admissions in the Cerf Center that is kept stocked with mini hand sanitizers, kleenex, face masks, disposable thermometers, condoms, tampons/panty liners, band-aids, and much more. This is available for all students, free of charge, during normal Cerf Center hours.