Tips for surviving finals week




1. Avoid the Urge to Procrastinate

This harmful practice stresses students out and almost always leads to worse scores.


2. Get Plenty of Sleep

All of your prep work will do little good if it’s not accompanied by plenty of shut-eye. Extensive research reveals that sleep not only improves our ability to focus, but also plays an active role in consolidating memories and making it easier to retrieve information.


3. Level Up Your Playlist

The right music can make your study session both more enjoyable and more effective.


4. Ditch Distracting Devices

In today’s digital world, it’s tough to go even a few minutes without glancing at our smartphones. Unfortunately, this dependence can cause big problems when it’s time to buckle down and study.


5. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Exam prep may feel lonely at times, but you can take solace in knowing that you’re never truly alone. Numerous resources are available to help you conquer difficult material and deal with pre-exam stress.


6. Prioritize self-care.

You won’t be able to memorize or comprehend all the material at once. Balance is key - ensure that you reward learning with study break times to recharge and relax.